One nice thing about the xkcd web comic, is that each comic's image has an additional joke or tidbit of information hidden away in an HTML title
attribute. Hover your mouse over it for a second or two, and you'll see the joke. Sometimes, the text is fairly lengthy, as in this example. Unfortunately, Firefox only shows one line of text in a title tooltip, so any lengthy amounts of text get cut off with an ellipsis.
Thankfully, bug 218223 was filed way back in 2003 (as a Firebird equivalent of a bug posted in 2000). Now, 7 years later, a fix has been implemented. Firefox 3.0 will include this fix, much to my delight. This just might be enough to make me switch to the alpha builds of 3.0 for my daily browsing habits.
Update: I've found an extension that fixes this problem. Woo-hoo!