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I've tweaked this site to use an improved means of search engine indexing. WordPress ships with a less than perfect SEO setup. As such, many incoming search queries were hitting pages that no longer included the requested terms: stuff like archive pages, category pages, etc. This duplicate content problem was easily solved by using the following snippet of code in my header.php file:

if(is_home() || is_single() || is_page())
    echo "\t<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index,follow\" />\n";
    echo "\t<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,follow\" />\n";

I now ask search engines to only index those pages that are either a single post, page, or the home page itself (my photo album also gets indexed, but that's handled by the photo album software itself). Nothing else gets indexed, but all page links are followed, so that the target pages can be indexed as necessary. This should lead to improved search engine hits, leading people directly to the content they were looking for. Win-win for the user and for me.

As I recently mentioned, the way I was handling the "skip to main content" links on this site wasn't as accessible as I had originally thought. I have fixed this issue, and hopefully things will be much better. Please let me know if anything looks odd or out of place.

Born Geek Redesign

Jan 2, 2007

Welcome to the newly redesigned Born Geek website! We have shed our old clothes as well as our old habits. No longer are the pages at this site crafted by hand; we now use Movable Type instead. For those interested in how I was able to get Movable Type to run everything, a detailed article is available.

There are a number of new features to introduce:

Site Search
You'll note a new website search box at the top of each page. Want to quickly locate something here at Born Geek? Just enter your search terms and let us do the rest.
Breadcrumb Trail
A breadcrumb trail is now available on every web page (just below the navigation bar), making it much clearer where you are in the site hierarchy. Moving up the site tree is now just a click away.
Comment on News Postings
Make yourself heard on Born Geek news postings by submitting your comments. Do you have feedback for me concerning a particular news item? Just let me know about it by posting to the appropriate entry. Moderation is turned off for now; depending on how nicely everyone plays, I may or may not have to turn it on.
RSS Feed
An RSS feed is now available for news stories. Subscribe to it and stay up to date with everything that goes on here at Born Geek.

Since this is my first foray into the world of Movable Type, I do not doubt that there may be a bug or two still lurking around. The print style sheet is not yet ready, and Internet Explorer users may run into the odd CSS anomaly. The overall style sheet will definitely be tweaked over the next several days, so some settling may occur. As always, please alert me to any problems that you may encounter.

Note also that some content has been permanently removed. The Firefox 1.0 toolbar tutorial has finally been replaced with the tutorial for Firefox 1.5 and later. All of the old news archives have also been removed. Other goodies (such as my wish list) have not yet been posted; these will appear in the near future.

Several new software releases are on the horizon here at Born Geek, so stay tuned. Happy New Year!

Quite some time ago, I saw a posting by Matt Cutts, detailing when he tends to write new blog posts. I thought it might be interesting to see what kind of posting habits I tend to have, so I ran some similar commands to gather the data. Through the magic of Excel, I've come up with some interesting results.

First, let's take a look at the days that I post:

Interestingly enough, Sunday is the most common day for me to post (42 total posts), while Thursdays are least common (only 31 posts). It is quite fitting, and ironic, that this post is being made on a Thursday. For the most part, I post fairly evenly during the week. But what about the time of day?

This graph reveals some much more interesting results. Early morning posts are virtually non-existent, with only 1 post made during the 12:00 AM hour, and 4 during the 7:00 AM hour. Between 1:00 and 3:00 PM, posting picks up heavily, revealing an interesting trend in my typical work day. Early afternoons tend to be the slowest part of each day, and I apparently post to help pass the time away. The drive home from work can be seen in the 5:00 hour, with only 2 postings during that time. But things pick up again steadily during the evening. I post most often between 7:00 and 11:00 PM, with a combined total of 114 entries being filed during those times.

It's always interesting to see what trends occur in data like this. While I'm not surprised at the data, I find it interesting that my likelihood of posting varies so much with the time of day. Isn't statistics great?

The Bandwagon

Jun 18, 2005

I'm going to try my hand at blogging. Everyone else is doing it; why shouldn't I? Over the past few days I've been looking at a number of blogging solutions thanks to an excellent blog software breakdown. The software I have settled on for now is the surprisingly robust WordPress. Having never done this before, I wasn't quite sure what to expect in the software interface department, but WordPress has surprised me in a number of ways. Adding and managing posts is very easy, and installation was a snap. Best of all, it's completely free.

As usual, I will be tweaking lots of things here and there over the next few weeks. The default theme, 'Kubrick', isn't quite my taste, so I'll either shop for another one or make my own (I prefer the former, since it involves less work). The sidebar clearly needs to be beefed up, and other jots and tiddles need to be dealt with. Stay tuned - I have lots of interesting things to discuss.