Virtual Environment Helper

Feb 11, 2020
Note: I now have an improved version of this script.

I use Python virtual environments a bunch at work, and this morning I finally put together a small helper script, saved as a Gist at GitHub, that makes enabling and disabling virtual environments a lot easier. I'm not sure why I didn't do this a lot earlier. Simply type work to enable the virtual environment, and work off to disable it. This script should be in your PATH, if it's not already obvious.

Here's the script itself:

@echo off
if exist "%cd%\venv" (
if "%1" == "off" (
echo Deactivating virtual environment
call "%cd%\venv\Scripts\deactivate.bat"
) else (
echo Activating virtual environment
call "%cd%\venv\Scripts\activate.bat"
) else (
echo No venv folder found in %cd%.

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