I've been tracking my weight using the Libra Weight Manager application for Android since June of 2010. It's been a long time since I've mentioned it, but I thought I'd provide an update on where I am:

The figure above shows the entirety of my data set, from 2010 to today. The red line is my weight trend line, while the blue line is comprised of the actual data points (my daily weights). Each horizontal line is a span of five pounds, for a sense of scale.
There are a few interesting things to point out here. Tracking my weight was a great way to lose weight in the beginning (note the ever decreasing slope at the start of the chart). I try to keep myself honest by tracking this data, but you can see that I'm starting to slip (trending upwards). The giant dip near the middle of the chart correlates to my getting married, which I find interesting. I suppose that weight loss was primarily stress based.
One of my goals in 2019 is to bring this trend line back down about 10 pounds or so. I'll try to post an update sometime in the new year to log my progress.