For whatever reason, I've been in an incredibly lazy mood over the past several weeks. Every day brings a new stretch of boredom, and I don't know what to attribute it to. Perhaps I need a vacation. Thankfully, I'll be taking one in two weeks. A new PC game couldn't hurt either. I recently realized that I've been growing more and more tired of the games I've got. This past weekend, I reinstalled Quake 4, to try out its dual-core support. Although it was an enjoyable experience, it felt hollow. A new experience would be most welcome, but sadly there aren't any games on the market that pique my interest. Prey looks interesting, but I'm not willing to pay $40 for it. Oh how dry the well seems to be!
In other random news, I'm working on a new theme for this blog. It's still in the concept stage, but maybe I can get it up sometime this fall.