I gave Movable Type a brief try this weekend, and it doesn't look like it's what I need for Born Geek. MT is too "post driven" and doesn't seem to handle static pages very well. I think the main problem is that Born Geek isn't a blog, and MT was made especially for the blogging paradigm. As such, I am continuing my quest for a decent CMS.
After doing some brief research, I have found two solutions that might work well: Drupal and Typo3. Both are open source CMS's (which is appealing), and both have relatively nice looking interfaces. The Drupal website is a little cleaner than Typo3, and I found Drupal first, so I think I'll give it the initial try. I am somewhat tempted to just use WordPress (the system that powers this blog), although I dislike the fact that it builds pages on the fly (something I'd like to avoid with Born Geek's static content).
Do you know of an inexpensive, reliable, CMS system that would work well with a static, page-based website (i.e. Born Geek)? If so, your comments would be greatly appreciated!